by | Dec 30, 2023 | Volume 75, Issue 1
Albert H. Choi Volume 75, Issue 1, 67-114 Scholars and practitioners have long theorized that by penalizing firms with unattractive governance features, the stock market incentivizes firms to adopt the optimal governance structure at their initial public offerings...
by | Dec 30, 2023 | Volume 75, Issue 1
Roee Sarel Volume 75, Issue 1, 115-174 ChatGPT is a prominent example of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has stormed into our lives. Within a matter of weeks, this new AI—which produces coherent and humanlike textual answers to questions—managed to become an object...
by | Dec 30, 2023 | Volume 75, Issue 1
Pamela Ho Volume 75, Issue 1, 175-198 In the past decade, Latinxs and Asians in the United States have experienced an increase in hate crime victimization. Previous research has identified correlations between hate crime reporting and race. However, few statistical...
by | Dec 30, 2023 | Volume 75, Issue 1
Joonghan (Joseph) Jo Volume 75, Issue 1, 199-232 The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted with the hope that it would solve issues regarding discrimination against the disabled. However, the outcome fell short of its aspirations. Many people with...
by | Dec 30, 2023 | Volume 75, Issue 1
Justine Magowan Volume 75, Issue 1, 233-260 The music industry stands on the brink of a crisis. With unpredictable judicial standards that are inconsistent across the country, plaintiffs seeking to protect their musical works against copyright infringement face a...