by | May 27, 2019 | Volume 70, Issue 5
Zachary S. Price Volume 70, Issue 5, 1273-1316 Following Justice Kennedy’s retirement and the bitter fight over Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation, increasingly polarized views about constitutional law in general, and specific constitutional cases in particular,...
by | May 27, 2019 | Volume 70, Issue 5
Nadine Strossen Volume 70, Issue 5, 1317-1330 Justice Kennedy has been hailed by free speech advocates as a leading free speech champion. In contrast, other experts have not only criticized particular opinions and votes by Justice Kennedy that rejected free speech...
by | May 27, 2019 | Volume 70, Issue 5
Nina Rose Gliozzo Volume 70, Issue 5, 1331-1387 This Note seeks to explore the way courts engage with claims of racial gerrymandering. The Supreme Court has described judicial oversight of redistricting as an “unwelcome obligation.” These complex cases are both highly...