No One Owns Data

Lothar Determann - Volume 70, Issue 1, 1-44. Businesses, policy makers, and scholars are calling for property rights in data. They currently focus on the vast amounts of data generated by connected cars, industrial machines, artificial intelligence, toys and other...

Privacy Harms

Ignacio N. Cofone & Adriana Z. Robertson Volume 69, Issue 4, 1039-1098 Privacy loss is central to privacy law scholarship, but a clear definition of the concept remains elusive. We present a model that both captures the essence of privacy loss and can be easily...

Faithful Unions

Rebecca Aviel Volume 69, Issue 3, 721-769 We live in a moment of intense preoccupation with both marriage and federalism, one that is likely to persist well beyond the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. The decision served to reify marriage as a site of...