Migration Emergencies

Jaya Ramji-Nogales Volume 68, Issue 3, 609-656 Migration emergencies are a commonplace feature in contemporary headlines. Pundits offer a variety of causes provoking these emergencies. Some highlight the deadly risks of these journeys for the migrants. Many more...

Collective Liberty

Josh Blackman Volume 67, Issue 3, 623-86 The story of our Constitution is a tale of two liberties: individual freedom and collective freedom. The inherent tension between these two is well known. Judicial protection of individual liberty inhibits the collective from...

Internal Jus ad Bellum

Eliav Lieblich Volume 67, Issue 3, 687-748 In 1945, the United Nations Charter famously set out “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” Having in mind traditional interstate wars, the Charter’s Article 2(4) outlawed, for the first time, interstate...

Network Equality

Olivier Sylvain Volume 67, Issue 2, 443-98 One of the clear goals of the federal Communications Act is to ensure that all Americans have reasonably comparable access to the Internet without respect to whom or where they are. Yet the main focus of policymakers and...